The weight loss equation is simple. Eat less, move more and you’ll lose weight. Sure it sounds easy but mastering the balance can be tricky. Especially when you don’t want to pass on BBQs or a choc top at the movies. Our ProPoints Plan is an easy way for you to achieve weight loss without compromising your lifestyle.
There’s never been a more exciting time to enter the world of Weight Watchers®. That’s because we’ve changed the rules of weight loss forever.
We all like to let our hair down every now and then. It’s part of life. And the great news is, the Weight Watchers ProPoints Plan understands this.
It lets you enjoy everything from a daily treat with your coffee to a big Friday night out with friends. (Including the burger pit stop on the way home.
Weight Watchers is now even more party permissible, life ready and friend-flexible. Join the new world of weight loss for just $1
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