Multimedia Courses

20 Lake Orr Drive, Gold Coast, 20 Lake Orr Drive, Queensland, 4227


07 5578 8122

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Are you interested in a career in Information Technology or Multimedia? The Australian College of Information Technology offers world class IT training programs including a Diploma of Multimedia, 3D Animations and Visual Effects Designer, and Certificate III in Printing and Graphic Arts.
ACIT takes pride in placing 100% of its graduates into exciting and rewarding multimedia careers including web design, graphic design, web development, networking and network security. The Multimedia Certificates and Advanced Diploma IT career packages address skills in industry standard Internet and multimedia development including:

2D animation
Multimedia authoring
Virtual reality production
Industry issues and developments
Multimedia design concepts
Multimedia production techniques
Programming skills including HTML, JavaScript, Adobe Creative Suite and Flash Action Script

For those looking for a career as a Digital Media Producer, Multimedia Designer, Website Designer, Graphic Design, Advertising Production or Multimedia Author speak to the team at ACIT who can offer experienced based learning to prepare you for a progressive career in the creative design industry.

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