Gold Coast Car Wash

1-3 Brabham Circuit, Gold Coast, Robina, Queensland, 4230


0418 521 137

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Need you car cleaned then visit Robina Car and Dog Wash the number 1 Gold Coast Car Wash. It always feels like a mammoth task when deciding to clean your car, often enough your car will probably go uncleaned. But not any longer drop in to Robina Car Wash for a quick and speedy clean in 1 of our 5 self wash drive-in bays. They also have 2 drive in laser washes, fully automatic drive in car wash and dryer bays and now you can also get the works with a mini detail.
They will pre-wash your wheels, then hand dry your car when completed. They will also dress your tyres, vacuum your carpets and make your car look like new again inside and out.
This Gold Coast Car Wash provides a full service for your driving investment.

Visited 1117 times, 1 Visits today

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