Experience the magical world of the Glow Worms by visiting The Glow Worm Caves on Mt Tamborine, located at Cedar Creek Estate Winery. Every day we conduct a fully guided tour through our scenic Rainforest and over Cedar Creek to our Glow Worm Caves. During the tour, our guides will explain information on the lifecycle of the Glow Worm and how and why these amazing little creatures emit light.
The caves consist of two large chambers interlinked by tunnels. The first chamber is the “presentation cave”, where you will be shown an audiovisual display on the glow-worms. This chamber is complete with very realistic formations (speleothems), such as stalagmites and stalactites, water features and flow stone. From this stunning cave, you will be guided through the incredible “glow-worm cave”, filled with thousands of glowing glow-worms!
Admission Prices:
• Child: $5.50 (aged 4 to 12 inclusive)
• Adult: $11.00
• Seniors: $11.00 <10%
• Students: $9.00
Bookings are not required except for groups of 10+ people.
Located at Cedar Creek Estate Winery
Email info@glowwormcavetamborinemountain.com.au
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