Coomera Pet Motel

162 Yawalapah Road, Gold Coast, Pimpama, Queensland, 4209


07 5546 6140

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

The Coomera Pet Motel is situated in a beautiful environment, giving you that country like feel. The surroundings are very tropical with palm trees, flowers and is very spacious,giving you a feeling of freedom.
We find that the dogs like being able to see each other in a safe environment. Dogs are usually very playful and curious. So we don’t let them come into contact with each other unless they are from the same family but for the others they are more then welcome to say hello through the fencing out in the play yards or across the rooms inside. For the more scared puppies we have more private rooming that might be better suited for them that way they still get their relaxing holiday as well.

Visited 1175 times, 2 Visits today

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