Aus Healing Bamboo Charcoal Products

P.O. Box 241, Hamilton Central, Queensland, 4007



8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Australasian Healing Tree Bamboo Charcoal Healing Products are a natural, eco-friendly product that utilises your body heat combined with the unique qualities of Bamboo Charcoal embedded within comfortable knitted fabrics to improve blood circulation and ease minor and temporary inflammation, aches and pains.
If you suffer from joint body aches, stiffness, muscle tension, joint discomfort or soreness, Aus Healing Bamboo Charcoal can relieve your pain through the Far-infrared Rays and Negative Ions emitted through the Bamboo Charcoal powder.
With a wider acceptance of alternative medicine within mainstream care, Aus Healing Bamboo Charcoal products are helping to relieve pain and discomfort at a much lower cost. Aus Healing Bamboo Charcoal products can help you improve energy, sleep, weight loss, detoxification, immunity and more. We encourage you to explore the wide range of Bamboo Charcoal healing supports, body and seat mats, shoulder wraps and carpal tunnel gloves for a 100% natural, chemical free, hypo allergenic, healthy healing process.

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